Guitar Arrangement: How Did You Know Fingerstyle Tabs
The song “How Did You Know” is one of the familliar love song in the Philippines and rendered by different artists. But the famous version is the Garry Valenciano, since it was used for a movie theme.
How did you know
I needed someone like you in my life
That there was an empty space in my heart
You came at the right time in my life
I’ll never forget
How you brought the sun to shine in my life
And took all the worries and fears that I had
I guess what I’m really trying to say
It’s not everyday that someone like you comes my way
No words can express how much I love you
On this arrangement, you will encounter a lot of left hand stretching, just like on measure 3; wherein you have to use your left hand ring finger on the 6th bass string on the 4th fret while fingering the melody of the song on the first fret. Then shift to 2nd fret full barre position
The key signature of this How Did You Know arrangement is in the key of A, but when you reach measure 42, you will be shifting from A to C major key. That’s the higher part of the song. And you will notice the appearance 3 Natural symbol that replaces the 3 Sharp symbol.
That means you are cancelling the effect of the 3 sharps or the A Major key, and that the succeeding measures are all be followingthe C Major key.
At the end of the arrangement, you’ll encounter a music symbol rit. _ _ _.
That is called Ritardando or a symbol that tells the player to decrease the speed gradually.
You can get below your copy of the complete transcriptions with tabs and notations of How Did You Know Fingerstyle Tabs. I hope you’ll like this arrangement. Thank you for visiting.
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