Oldies but Goodies

Baby I Love Your Way – Fingerstyle Guitar Tab

Guitar Arrangement: Baby I Love You Way Fingerstyle Tabs In 1975, Peter Frampton released the song "Baby, I Love Your Way" from his album titled Frampton. The song gained popularity and became a global success. To give new flavor on the song, the reggae and pop group Big Mountain released their version in 1993 and also became a worldwide hit. This fingerstyle guitar arrangement is a transcription of the original version of Peter Frampton while adding the version of Big Mountain on the intro. The arrangement is [...]

Imagine by John Lennon – Easy Fingerstyle Guitar Tab

Guitar Arrangement: Imagine Fingerstyle Tabs The song "Imagine" is the best selling single of John Lennon that was released in 1971 from his self titled album. It is the song that captured the attention of many people around the world because of its meaningful lyrics. It was considered as one of the songs that influenced people on their philosophy about different matters specially in politics and religion. Entirely, the song suggests to see things on different perspective, that  everyone must imagine the world for the better. This [...]

Canon in D – Easy Fingerstyle Guitar Tab

Arrangement: Canon in D Fingerstyle Tabs "Canon in D" by Johann Pachelbel is one of the most recognized classical music of all time that has been heard in different arrangements and interpreted by many musicians in different genre. Also, the song has been heard on different occasions specially intimate functions like weddings. This fingerstyle guitar arrangement is still in the key of D Major without dropping the 6th E String to D. My reason is to simplify the arrangement and help those new guitar players to start [...]

Wonderful Tonight – Easy Fingerstyle Guitar Tab

Guitar Arrangement: Wonderful Tonight Fingerstyle Guitar "Wonderful Tonight" is one of the songs that made Eric Clapton a prolific singer and songwriter. This song is recognized worldwide as one of the best ballad made in the 70's. Also, this song provided a most recognizable guitar lick which is the intro of the song, that every guitarist must have learned during their guitar journey. This fingerstyle guitar arrangement is still in the key of G, while I simplified the intro and lowered it to one octave. You may [...]

Vincent – Fingerstyle Guitar

Guitar Arrangement: Vincent Fingerstyle Tabs A song composed by Don McLean and inspired from Vincent Van Gogh's painting "The Starry Night". The song was a hit during the 1970's and it became one of the most popular songs of all time. "Starry, starry night Paint your palette blue and gray Look out on a summer's day With eyes that know the darkness in my soul Shadows on the hills Sketch the trees and the daffodils Catch the breeze and the winter chills In colors on the snowy [...]

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